
Computational Performance Engineering

Metrics Collection, Analysis/Summarization, Insight

What Is SurveyPerf?

SurveyPerf is a growing suite of tools and support services that help application developers, system managers, and user analysts running scientific applications ensure continued optimization and health.This may be related to code development, system configuration and software, and determining optimized build and run parameters for critical applications.

Survey™ Framework

Application performance data collector and support tools

Performance Studies

Application and machine
performance studies


Our open source HPC application performance analysis tool

The Continuous Performance Study Process

Metrics are what we focus on. We help application users, developers, and system planners collect performance metrics from within the application against key system resources and capture system and environment metadata to create a thumbprint of resources and settings during a given run period.

Insight is next. We dive into architecture specifics, system environment, and application code structure and identify the weak points in your overall system.

  • Identify the metrics that provide you with insight to how your application is running.

  • Every computer architecture and run time environment is different. To extract optimum performance, understand how your application is structured, then match it to the environment that you are running on.

  • Based on your MOI, identify and integrate optimal survey options to better support your collection needs.

  • Analyze the survey collected output and assess the metrics and how you may want to manage and compare multiple runs with differing parameters.

  • Depending on how you want to track and compare, you may need to develop scripts to manage the data collected.

  • Of the many metrics and metadata that are collected, you may only need a subset—identify and pull only relevant data out for tracking.

  • Track and analyze the extracted MOIs in your existing dashboards or interfaces.

SurveyPerf Use Cases

  • It all begins with insight. You need to understand how your application uses resources. Comparing build and run options can provide insight to set up the proper runtimes for your application. Comparing across platforms with different computer architectures or system environments will allow you to harden and allow for flexibility. Our Survey framework tool can provide the means to deliver the insight you need.



  • Our Survey framework tool can be easily integrated into your testing frameworks where performance metrics would be beneficial for comparison to identify system or software deployment issues.

    Integrating Survey into a system testing and monitoring infrastructure can provide a view of system resource metrics and metadata from the applications perspective.


  • The pace of computer architecture change is unprecedented. Processors, accelerators, memory, and networking are evolving quickly and being mixed and matched to create computational environments that may be good for some applications and not so good for others. Application development teams are trying to keep up with the changes.

    Profiling an application in a given environment or studying the effects of architecture packaging is a necessary part of developing procurement plans. Our team of performance engineering experts can work with yours to plan your path forward.